The Impacts Of Social Media Marketing On Consumer Behavior

Many businesses today have pages on social networks to complement the data held about products, this study has examined the impact of social media marketing on the purchasing behavior of the consumer. Therefore, the study aims to study this influence from the following objectives: Detect and analyze the behavior of consumers on social media, identify the category of products whose they are the most influenced.

The Utility And The Component Of A Photovoltaic Panels And It’s Business Aspect

The objective of this Thesis is to take care of the sourcing of new photovoltaic projects by responding to the calls for tenders present on the market.
On the other hand, to monitor the projects already in progress, to see their progress, the problems encountered and to seek solutions to these problems.
To do this, an old project was re-examined from the beginning (sizing, encryption). New tenders appeared during the training period we were treated.

L’impact Du Marketing Digital Sur Le Comportement Du Consommateur Marocain

Aujourd’hui, nous sommes plus de deux milliards sur terre à être connectés à internet. Soit une massed’individus en conversation permanente les uns avec les autres. Les relations avec les marques peuventfournir aux consommateurs des éléments précieux pour prendre des décisions, répondre à leurs besoinset les motiver. Cependant, l’établissement de relations avec les marques de consommation peut être unprocessus difficile et complexe.

Bank performance analysis: the case of Mauritanian banks

In the banking system, the traditional activity consists in collecting funds, in particular
deposits with surplus agents, to make them available to those who are in need. This classic way
of doing things has been made even more complex by the creation of the stock market, by
financial globalization and not to mention the multiple crises that the world has experienced
since the crisis of 1924.

La Gestion du Risque Crédit

Une saine gestion du crédit est une condition essentielle de la stabilité et de la rentabilité d’une caisse, tandis qu’une détérioration de la qualité du crédit est la cause la plus fréquente d’un rendement financier insuffisant. Une gestion prudente du risque de crédit peut réduire le risque opérationnel au minimum tout en assurant un rendement raisonnable.
